Saturday, November 15, 2008

Caleb is a little more comfortable, thanks to the new meds.  He has not had any foods for a few days, just enough pedialyte to get his meds down.  I've been able to get him back off the oxygen, for now, and his heart rate is lower.  It's amazing how strong his body is to keep going through these up and down swings.  Grandpa's and Grandma's have come just about everyday to see Caleb, he is a lucky little boy to have such wonderful Grandparents, who love him so much.  His sister calls everyday to check in, this is all taking it's toll on everyone, Good thing we all believe in God and know someday he will be out of all his pain, until then we are doing our best to take care of Caleb and love him. 


Janna said...

sawyer!! I hope Caleb gets better because he is my favorite cousin!!! I love you caleb very much and aunt Carla and uncle curt are taking very good care of caleb!! Well i love you all very much and i hope caleb gets better!! See ya.

Janna said...

This is Bailee! How are you guys doin?? I hope caleb gets better and I hope you guys get better too.. i feel so bad that you guys have to go through all the pain watching Caleb... I love you all and i hope i can see you soon!!!!TTYL!!!!!!!!!!!! :-]